About Us
Nurturing Local Businesses, Preserving Historic Architecture, and Fostering Community Engagement
Our Story
The Union Street Association consists of a membership of local businesses led by a 7-member board of directors. The Executive Director and the Board handle day-to-day activities, projects and concerns. Monthly meetings are held and a bi-monthly newsletter is distributed to keep members informed.
Preservation efforts led by the Association protect the rich wealth of Victorian and Edwardian architecture in the district. In the early 1970s, these buildings were catalogued and design guidelines created to assist new businesses with proposed changes to their storefronts. These guidelines offer suggestions for renovation and restoration as well as detailed advice to preserve the historic nature of these treasured buildings. Project sponsors contemplating changes to a building’s facade need to meet with the Design Review Committee prior to receiving city building permits.
Business diversity is the policy of the Association which supports a mix of merchants, restaurants, and services. Small, unique owner-operated businesses are especially encouraged to locate here. Union Street shoppers enjoy quality, sophistication and convenience through the blend of specialty shops found alongside national chain stores. Due to zoning restrictions “big box chain stores” are not permitted here.
Politically active, the Union Street Association is involved in civic efforts and small business issues. It lobbies the city and the state for the well-being of its merchants and maintains harmony with neighbors. The Association has been successful in its efforts to obtain parking, preserve historic architecture, direct beautification projects and produce events and activities through membership support.
Beautification concerns for the benefit of all are a top priority of the Association. Such efforts include colorful street banners, planter boxes and flowering shrubs, street cleanliness and general maintenance.